Friday, 10 November 2006

Broken the Duck

Yep, I'm still behind, but I've got past the 10,000 barrier, and I've now got time to write, so I'm a relative happy chappy.

It's an odd thing, psychology. Why 10,000 words seemed such a hurdle is beyond me, but it did. Now I have to find a clever way to get my hero out of the Thames and hidden and dry before he freezes to death.

In other news:
• The floods have subsided and Kitty has still got a home, which is a wonderful thing. Congratulations! I get karmic credit for the anti-rain dance I dreamt up ... trademark pending.
• My car has died. I paid £60 for her a year and a half ago, and she's done 12,000 miles on a petrol and oil only diet. I'm thinking the neighbours might complain at a funeral pyre.

1 comment:

Kitty said...

Now I have to find a clever way to get my hero out of the Thames and hidden and dry before he freezes to death.

Oo la la. Sounds like fun. :)

I get karmic credit for the anti-rain dance I dreamt up ... trademark pending.

Keep dancing.

Sorry about the car. :(