Writing and NaNoWriMo 2006 - 2013
Hmmm. A plot? Can't you just start writing and see what happens? ;) :D
Oh, oh, oh! I'm shocked! When have you ever known me to write without a plot? I spend weeks, nay months in careful preparation. I'm not one of those 'by the seat of your pants' people! God forbid ;)*canters off giggling*
Seems to me you said something recently about writing an "adult" story without the obligatory genre sex scenes. If you were to do something like that for NaNo, what would it look like?
It would be round with a flat top and knobbly strawberry shaped bits sticking out! Probably in blue with a hint of lemon! ;)
Sounds delicious. :P
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Hmmm. A plot? Can't you just start writing and see what happens? ;) :D
Oh, oh, oh! I'm shocked!
When have you ever known me to write without a plot?
I spend weeks, nay months in careful preparation. I'm not one of those 'by the seat of your pants' people! God forbid ;)
*canters off giggling*
Seems to me you said something recently about writing an "adult" story without the obligatory genre sex scenes. If you were to do something like that for NaNo, what would it look like?
It would be round with a flat top and knobbly strawberry shaped bits sticking out! Probably in blue with a hint of lemon! ;)
Sounds delicious. :P
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